CMC OM - Conservation

Revisions for CMC Operations Manual – Conservation Committee

Revised: January 2024

The Conservation Committee advocates for the protection, conservation andappropriate management of natural resources to help ensure western North Carolina’s diverse landscapes and wildlife will thrive in perpetuity. The Committee also promotes the establishment and maintenance of hiking trails to connect and engage people with
nature. The Committee:

  • Identifies and monitors existing and/or proposed natural resource issues, activities and policies which impact land and wildlife conservation and/or impact hiking experiences or CMC’s ability to properly maintain trails.
  • Consults with federal and state natural resource agencies (e.g. U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, NC Forest Service, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, NC State Parks), land conservancies, and other environmental organizations to formulate CMC positions relative to key conservation issues.
  • Recommends Club positions (as appropriate) on key environmental matters forapproval by the CMC Council.
  • Coordinates with the Communications Committee to promote such approved positions to Club members, partner organizations and the general public.
  • Partners with natural resource agencies and land conservancies to assist with implementing habitat restoration and wildlife research projects.
  • Collaborates with partner organizations in monitoring the USFS’s implementation of the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Management Plan.
  • Assists the CMC Council in enhancing existing partnerships and fostering new collaborations to advance conservation initiatives and hiking opportunities throughout western North Carolina.
  • Coordinates with the Education Committee regarding internal and external conservation education opportunities.

See CMC Positions, Letters and Comments on the CMC website for positions formally adopted by the Council.

NOTE: The Conservation Committee is currently in a rebuilding phase. For more information about the Committee, including joining, contact Steve Law, Chair at:

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