CMC OM - Policies & Forms

Revised August 2022

This section of the Operations Manual is for new and amended policies and forms that the CMC Council and/or standing committees establish. 

The following policies and associated forms make up this section of the Operations Manual, and each is a separate file, for convenience in printing:

Unescorted Minors

On occasion, a person under the age of 18 wishes to participate in Club activities and the parent or legal guardian is unable to be present to supervise him/her.  On 8-15-17 Council approved two forms to enable the parent or guardian to assign another individual to be responsible in his/her place while traveling to and participating in the activity.

CMC Operations Manual Form 1b, “Permission Form for Unescorted Minors Participating in Carolina Mountain Club Activities” is completed and signed by the parent/guardian and also the person taking responsibility for the individual.  It should be completed prior to the activity and given to the leader of the Club activity.  Each instance requires its own form for the date or date range of that activity.

CMC Operations Manual Form 1C “Unescorted Minor Medical Treatment Authorization Form” allows the parent/guardian to authorize another individual to administer first aid treatment or to authorize emergency treatment and transportation to such treatment where the minor is not accompanied by the parent/guardian.  This form should be shown or given to the leader of the Club activity.  A new form is not required for subsequent activities, but the existing form could be shown if the information is still current and correct.

Incident Report

Approved CMC Council 9.2018

CMC has a new Incident Report form for your use, which was approved by Council in 2018.  The form provides a means to document basic information if some adverse event would occur on your outing.  Its use is purely voluntarily by the trip leader for most situations that typical CMC hikes would encounter.

However, the form should be considered mandatory if government officials (National Park Service, Forest Service, local police officers, etc) are involved, requires ambulance/EMS services, or hospitalization.

Please fill in as much information as you can. Not every space is expected to be completed.

For significant incidents, a copy of the form or a paragraph summarizing the relevant information should be emailed to the club president as soon as practical.  The actual form should be attached to the liability waiver (sign in sheet) and returned to the hike scheduler.

The form is also located in the Hiking category on the member's side of the web site.

It is suggested the Incident Report form be printed and placed in your medical kit for use if needed. 

CMC OM - Incident Report 2b

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